
Pieśń kosmosu

I was walking next to the sports field and looking at the small hill on the other side of it. It used to look so huge to me. Every winter, as soon as the snow had fallen down, I was running there with my sledges and got crazy with other kids. Going up and ride down hundred times a day. Every lunch tasted delicious afterwards.
At the top of the hill is a metal sculpture from the 70'. It's name is "The outer space's song" and it still makes me feel a bit frightened. Especially when it's dark and the wind is moving the upper part of the sculpture, making a scary noise.
Today I looked at the hill and the word "hill" sounded completely inadequate. It looked rather plain to me.
Did I grow up?
But I'm still overwhelmed by the forest. It's deep green, big and thick, old trees, darkness in the middle of a sunny day... There I'm still just a little girl.



I've never been thinking about popularity of tv series. Some of them I liked some, some not. Some of them I found completely stupid, some interesting. Like everyone. Lately I have stopped watching almost all of the ones I used to like. But today, I got a little sad, I was reading a book and thinking what to do next. The only thing that came to my mind was to watch another episode of "The Sopranos". I didn't feel much like watching a movie, just a serial.
So I came to a conclusion that I didn't want to see something new, something that will make me think too much. I wanted to see something familiar. I have already "get to know" the characters and now I just wanted to "meet" them again.
I guess old ladies, who spend their days alone at home feel better when they "know" some tv family for years.They are always there, on the tv screen, and they will never turn their backs on those ladies.
Some may show them life they always wanted to live but had no chance.
eeerr... nevermind.



I walk P. home yesterday. Her baby was sleepy and thus whiny, so she was carrying him in her arms. I was just pushing the stroller.
- Look, Igorek, who is there? Grandpa? Look there!
- Hey! Igorek! Hey hey!
Igor didn't look at him anyway.
- Good morning! - I said.
- Watch out, it maybe contagious! - said P.'s father in law with a smile under his moustache.
So what is contagious? Having a baby? Come on Liv, be a nice girl.
- Hehe, no...
- Well, you should be already pregnant after the tournament!
Do I look like a whore?!
Another guy in my list with a bad sense of humour.


looking for the summer

I feel the green all around.
Grass is green.
Trees are too.
So am I.